Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Apple Announcement of Fall/Winter gadgetry tomorrow (Sep 04, 10:00am PST)

Here is a link from engadget.com to see the Steve Jobs live, announcing Apples new gadgets line up to be announced...

Steve Jobs Live - Special Event

Read about a "Touch screen iPod" rumour. Or is it an iPhone Nano? Or iPod with HD Radio and GPS?

Friday, April 20, 2007

iPod Hangs? Reset it.

I bought an iPod nano few days back and today morning it hung on me while trying to play a podcast. I did a quick googling and found this http://labnol.blogspot.com/2007/01/when-your-apple-ipod-hangs-without.html. The Step 1 in the description below worked for me. I used to think there is no way to reset an iPod and this was cool. It does not reset it to "factory default". Your data is safe.

Here is the content again (from the link specified above)

You are listening to some music tracks on the iPod but then it suddenly stops responding. None of the ipod buttons or the click wheel seem to function though you still see the playlist of the iPod screen.
Well, there's no need to panic - your iPod disk is probably OK.
Here are few suggestions that may help you unfreeze the iPod and get it working again.

Step 1: Reset the iPod - Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.) Now press and hold the MENU and center button together for 10 seconds or until the Apple logo appears.

Step 2: If the above trick doesn't unlock the ipod, leave the device as such to drain the iPod battery. Once it discharges completely, reset and plug it to the computer for charging.

Always keep your iPod firmware updated - you can use itunes to check the latest version of the software from Apple website. We tested this hack with the iPod Nano though it should work on other models as well like the shuffle or the video iPods.